Chessex 27693 - Lustrous Gold/silver 12mm d6 Dice Block (12 Dice)
Each set contains 12 Lustrous Gold 16mm d6 dice with silver pips (DL1693) in 02805 Display Case w/Lid and Foam Square.

10,50 €*
Chessex-20493: Lustrous Mini-hedral Gold/silver 7-Die set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Lustrous Gold Dice with silver numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (ML2093) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (ML1293) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (ML1193) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (ML1093) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (ML0893) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (ML0693) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (ML0493) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square Lustrous® is a registered trademark of Chessex. Mini-hedral™ is a trademark of Chessex. Dice made in Germany. Packaging made in the USA.

5,70 €*
Chessex 20656 - Gemini Mini-hedral Steel-Teal/white 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Gemini Steel-Teal Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MG2056) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MG1256) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MG1156) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MG1056) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MG0856) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MG0656) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MG0456) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square Gemini® is a registered trademark of Chessex. Mini-hedral™ is a trademark of Chessex. Dice made in Germany. Packaging made in the USA.

5,70 €*
Chessex 25466 - Opaque Polyhedral Pastel Blue/black 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). This set contains 7 Opaque Pastel Blue dice with black numbers with the following shapes:  1 x 4-sided die (PQ0466) 1 x 6-sided die (PQ0666) 1 x 8-sided die (PQ0866) 1 x 10-sided die (PQ1066) 1 x tens 10-sided die (PQ1166) 1 x 12-sided die (PQ1266) 1 x 20-sided die (PQ2066)

3,90 €*
Chessex 20645 - Gemini Black-Grey/green Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Gemini Black-Grey Dice with green numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MG2045) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MG1245) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MG1145) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MG1045) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MG0845) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MG0645) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MG0445) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20546 - Festive Waterlily/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Festive Waterlily Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MF2066) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MF1266) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MF1166) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MF1066) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MF0866) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MF0666) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MF0466) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20377 - Translucent Purple/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Translucent Purple Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MT2077) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MT1277) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MT1177) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MT1077) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MT0877) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MT0677) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MT0477) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20374 - Translucent Red/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Our Mini-Polyhedral Contains 7 Translucent Red Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MT2074) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MT1274) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MT1174) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MT1074) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MT0874) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MT0674) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MT0474) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid & Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20384 - Translucent Pink/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Translucent Pink Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MT2084) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MT1284) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MT1184) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MT1084) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MT0884) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MT0684) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MT0484) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20385 - Translucent Teal/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Translucent Teal Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MT2085) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MT1285) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MT1185) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MT1085) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MT0885) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MT0685) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MT0485) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 54205 - Hook Earrings Vortex Bright Green/black Mini-Poly d20 Pair
This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

9,95 €*
Chessex 54207 - Hook Earrings Festive Mosaic/yellow Mini-Poly d20 Pair
This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

9,95 €*
Chessex 20544 - Festive Pop Art/blue Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Festive Pop Art Dice with blue numbers in the following Shapes 1 x Mini 20-sided die (MF2064) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MF1264) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MF1164) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MF1064) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MF0864) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MF0664) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MF0464) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

5,70 €*
Chessex 20581 - Borealis Icicle/light blue Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Borealis Icicle Dice with blue numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MB2081) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MB1281) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MB1181) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MB1081) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MB0881) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MB0681) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MB0481) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square This color has our Luminary™ effect. It can look like stars in the dark (with enough light exposure beforehand or under a black light).

5,70 €*
Chessex 20450 - Festive Mosaic/yellow Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Festive Mosaic Dice with yellow numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MF2050) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MF1250) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MF1150) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MF1050) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MF0850) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MF0650) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MF0450) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

5,70 €*
Chessex 20640 - Gemini Black-Purple/gold Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Gemini Black-Purple Dice with gold numbers in the following Shapes: \ 1 x Mini 20-sided die (MG2040) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MG1240) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MG1140) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MG1040) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MG0840) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MG0640) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MG0440) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20587 - Borealis Royal Purple/gold Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Borealis Royal Purple Dice with gold numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MB2087) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MB1287) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MB1187) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MB1087) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MB0887) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MB0687) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MB0487) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square This color has our Luminary™ effect. It can look like stars in the dark (with enough light exposure beforehand or under a black light).

5,70 €*
Chessex 20440 - Festive Carousel/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Festive Carousel Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MF2060) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MF1260) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MF1160) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MF1060) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MF0860) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MF0660) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MF0460) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 20630 - Gemini Black-Pink/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Gemini Black-Pink Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MG2030) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MG1230) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MG1130) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MG1030) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MG0830) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MG0630) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MG0430) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

5,70 €*
Chessex 20442 - Festive Circus/black Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Festive Circus Dice with black numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MF2062) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MF1262) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MF1162) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MF1062) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MF0862) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MF0662) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MF0462) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square This color is Black Light Reactive! It will react to a Black Light Flashlight.

5,70 €*
Chessex 20375 - Translucent Green/white Mini-Polyhedral 7-Die Set
For use in tabletop RPG games (such as Dungeons & Dragons). Contains 7 Translucent Green Dice with white numbers in the following Shapes:  1 x Mini 20-sided die (MT2075) 1 x Mini 12-sided die (MT1275) 1 x Mini Tens 10-sided die (MT1175) 1 x Mini 10-sided die (MT1075) 1 x Mini 8-sided die (MT0875) 1 x Mini 6-sided die (MT0675) 1 x Mini 4-sided die (MT0475) Comes in 02801 Display Case w/ Lid and Foam Square

5,70 €*
Chessex 25606 - Opaque Blue/white 16mm d6 Dice Block (12 dice)
Each set contains 12 Opaque Blue 16mm d6 dice with white pips (DQ1606) in 02805 Display Case w/Lid and Foam Square

3,90 €*
Chessex 27724 - Ghostly Glow Pink/silver 16mm d6 Dice Block (12 dice)
Each set contains 12 Ghostly Glow Pink 16mm d6 dice with silver pips (DH1624) in 02805 Display Case w/Lid and Foam Square

10,50 €*
Chessex 27759 - Nebula Primary/blue 16mm d6 Dice Block (12 dice)
Each set contains 12 Nebula Primary 16mm d6 dice with blue pips (DN1659) in 02805 Display Case w/Lid and Foam Square This color has our Luminary™ effect. It can look like stars in the dark (with enough light exposure beforehand or under a black light).

10,50 €*